Sunday, April 15, 2018

Activity Planner IV-VI


Supplies needed per poster – 
Poster sheet, alphabet sticker sheet , images sheet , glue stick ,scissors, colouring utensils
1.      A pre-hand knowledge of issues of  cyber safety  will be given to them so that they can utilize it in their activity
2.      Students will be asked to bring material from their homes ( A4 size sheet , pencil , colours , ,etc)
3.      Divide the class into groups of three or four students. Working on the posters in small groups will ensure that the posters get completed in the given time.
4.      Encourage groups to discuss the messages of their posters . Suggest that their posters might contain positive uplifting messages or some anti – bullying advice.
5.      One person might be in charge of cutting out the different design elements, another might be in charge of the message while another might be in charge of of the overall design of the poster and might stick the different pictures if required.
6.      When the posters have been completed, an anti- cyber bullying campaign could be started.
7.      Leave at least 5 minutes for clean – up and putting the posters on display.
8.      The best entry will win free anti- cyber bullying badge and wrist band.

Activity Planner- VII-IX

1. PPT/Video on cyber safety and social media
2. Collage making depicting cyber safety by the students of each house.
3. Presentation by students on - Things to consider when
    using social media :
       # Be authentic and accurate
       # Keep content up to date
       # Think before you post
       # Personal vs. Professional
       # Be respectful
       # Be positive
       # Encourage open conversation
       # Allow comments
       # Form a strategy

       # Developing a social media plan

Activity Planner- Zenith Wing and Classes II- III

Zenith Wing

Activity 1: Cyber Safety Fair
  • Cyber safety fair will be organised during cyber week
  • (in the month of october) in which various cyber safety activities
  • will be planned for students.

Activity 2: Cyber Safety online games
  • Learn internet speak with Internet Safety Hangman
  • Save Safety Land from an evil foe
  • Graduate from Webonauts Internet Academy

Activity 3: Social Media changed the way we communicate
  • An Informative Session for students of classes 5-7
  • Collage making- students activity for classes 1-4
  • Debate on the topic for the students of classes 5-7

Class- III :Poster making competition.
Topic- Role of computers in learning.
The students will make posters on the topic highlighting the importance    
of computers in education system. The posters will be judged based on
creativity, expressions/content and presentation.
Class-II: Show and tell- Mobile and kids.
The students will speak few lines on the relationship between mobile phones
and children. Pros and cons of the topic will be discussed.
Combined for class-II and class-III

Awareness walk by some selected students on the topic “Cyber Safety”.

Stop Neglect, Protect Before you connect

Don't be shy about protecting PII. Know how and when to say no. Don't share protected personal information with strangers. Don't be afraid to say no. To show our respect, we protect personal information that we collect. Protecting PII is everyone's job; PII is not everyone's business. Stop NeglectProtect before you connect.
Cyber safety education is the key for keeping students safe online. Unless all parties are educated and vigilant about cyber safety, children cannot stay safe online. Whether in the classroom or at home, children are using technology – computers, mobile phones and the internet – more and more in their day-to-day lives. Cyber safety provides advice on keeping your child safe in the online world.
The best way to fight cybercriminals is through education, and that can start at any age.
Keeping this in mind Modesty House has planned various activities that will be carried throughout the year to make our students more aware and protected.

Help Ever Hurt never

As we start with the new academic session 2018-19, Modesty House is all set to work to make the students aware of being safe online with the new tag line " HELP EVER HURT NEVER"

Every educated person should engage himself or herself in selfless service to society with humility and a pure heart.